with symptoms and management according to the cause of menstrual irregularity
Hello. Every healthy woman was menstruating according to her own cycle. However, as it is a sensitive area, menstrual cycles can change due to various problems such as environmental changes and diseases in the body, and there were quite a few people in modern society who were worried about them. It has become a good way to identify the cause of menstrual irregularities in various types and correct them through oriental medicine management.
They don’t take it easy
The uterus was such an important part of a woman’s health and life that it is often called a second heart. It was an indicator of internal problems that could not be seen with the eyes and played an important role in enabling pregnancy and childbirth. Abnormal changes occur depending on the condition of the uterus and ovaries, so I always had to check my condition carefully. If you don’t show a certain shape, it could be a health problem, and menstruation, which was troublesome, also caused serious stress. There may be a problem with the uterus, and irregular menstruation that I thought was temporary sometimes leads to amenorrhea.
If you were in this situation, it was important to visit related institutions and examine the inside of the uterus closely. If this was left unattended for a long time, it could cause infertility or infertility after that. Therefore, I had to visit the institution and take care of it so that I wouldn’t be late. Before menstruation, there were times when I was happy to overcome not having menstruation because it caused physical and mental inconvenience due to various syndrome. However, it could become more serious over time, and as I said earlier, it could be caused by the disease, so it was a good idea to find an appropriate alternative to check properly from the beginning.
What’s the normal menstrual cycle
For women, we had to be careful because the uterus and menstruation are closely related to pregnancy and childbirth. Also, if it was caused by uterine disease, correcting it from the beginning was a way not to make the problem bigger. It was necessary to visit a medical institution and check the condition of the body as soon as possible without considering menstrual irregularities as a minor symptom. At this time, it was important to know the normal menstrual cycle of a woman, which usually ranged from 21 to 35 days. Also, once it started, it lasted about three to seven days. The normal menstrual volume was 30-80ml, and the colors were red and black. Unlike this, if it showed an abnormal shape, we had to find the cause and take an active management attitude.
reason for menstrual irregularity
Recently, as modern people living in modern society are exposed to various environments and create various lifestyle patterns, they sometimes skip menstruation for about a month or have a big difference in quantity due to stress or fatigue. It was such a common symptom that any woman experienced at least once. However, we should not let the problems that continue. Sometimes I took contraceptives to control my cycle. However, there was a high possibility that other problems would occur if the dose continued longer than necessary.
Not only hormone secretion but also regulatory function can be impaired, and ovulation function has had a bad effect. Women preparing for pregnancy had to take care of every little part. Sometimes I try to make changes through hormones to cure these problems, but as it is a method of artificially adjusting the cycle, it can put a burden on the body, and even if it gets better temporarily, it can show other abnormalities in the long term.
menstrual irregularity due to various causes
Menstrual irregularities could have been caused by complex factors. If there was no problem with uterine disease, stress, overwork, endocrine system abnormalities, excessive diet and obesity could occur, and there were other cases where fish blood or impurities accumulated in the body and became nutritional problems. On the other hand, for hormonal changes or diseases, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, uterine myoma, and uterine adenomyoma could be suspected. In the beginning, we had to correct them and proceed with proper management so that hormonal secretion or disease problems could return to normal, and the most important thing before starting management was to find these reasons. I had to be more careful because irregular menstruation is the cause of early menopause if left unattended.
Chinese herbal methods for irregular menstruation
In oriental medicine, management was focused on correcting hormonal imbalances as it controlled the entire body, including liver and kidney functions, which are peripheral organs such as ovaries and uterus.Various oriental medicine programs were operated depending on individual constitution and symptoms. Oriental medicine prescriptions were made by manufacturing various drugs that are good for managing menstrual irregularities, such as discharging waste in the body, activating air-blood circulation, replenishing energy, and stabilizing hormone secretion.This helped with primitive symptom management by managing the circulation of air and blood and improving the function of various organs, including the uterus and ovaries. In addition, it was able to drain fish blood accumulated in the body through saliva to manage blood circulation and increase the energy of the fallen intestines. Moxibustion and hyperthermia could be performed at the same time if the sensitivity to cold was severe or fish blood was fixed. Through this, we were able to induce normal ovulation and menstruation, improve ovarian function, and expect changes in hormonal balance.This helped with primitive symptom management by managing the circulation of air and blood and improving the function of various organs, including the uterus and ovaries. In addition, it was able to drain fish blood accumulated in the body through saliva to manage blood circulation and increase the energy of the fallen intestines. Moxibustion and hyperthermia could be performed at the same time if the sensitivity to cold was severe or fish blood was fixed. Through this, we were able to induce normal ovulation and menstruation, improve ovarian function, and expect changes in hormonal balance.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image